Are health dangers hiding behind this smoke screen?
The lounge scene is full of flavorful aromas, dim, sexy lighting and mesmerizing glows. Friends gather to unwind in this exotic and comfortable setting, complete with low, comfortable sofas and brightly colored pillows. The epicenter of the hip and relaxing scene is an elaborate glass and metal pipe- an ancient Middle Eastern social tradition called [...]
Not getting political here, but since she brought it up…
After Monday night’s Republican debate, Michele Bachmann appeared on NBC’s TODAY show continuing to criticize Governor Rick Perry’s 2007 executive order that middle school girls in Texas receive the life-saving HPV vaccine, Gardasil. During the debate, Bachmann accused Perry of receiving campaign contributions from the maker of Gardasil, Merck & Co., subsequently profiting from the [...]
My Strange Addiction: Confessions of a Stereotypical Gen Y
Recently, I lived my own version of the hit TLC show and it wasn’t pretty. Last week, I was downloading the latest software on my smartphone and it just stopped working. I frantically began to take the battery in and out of my phone repeatedly in hopes that miraculously the strategy would eventually work. I then pressed [...]
Louisiana Criminalizes Bath Salts
Today I’m posting an article I wrote for The Tulane Hullabaloo which appeared in the print edition on February 18, 2011. In February, I interviewed the state health officer and medical director of the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, the director of Louisiana Poison Control, and an emergency room doctor at Tulane Hospital about [...]
Weight Loss May Require a Little Less Loathing and a Lot More Love
Poor body image plagues the young adults of Generation Y and may even be preventing us from reaching our weight loss and healthy lifestyle goals. A recent study out this month in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity has shown that improved body image may lead to improved weight loss. In this randomized [...]
Easy and Healthy Recipes for Gen Y
Generation Y is busy. We work hard and we play hard and that leaves little time to concentrate on making healthy meals for ourselves. However, we all know that healthy eating is an important part of the equation for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. And it has been proven that the health decisions we make now [...]
Gen Y Guzzles Diet Sodas: Could it be sabotaging our diet?
Joy Bauer, health and nutrition expert for The Today Show, caught my attention this week! (video above) Many people think that drinking diet sodas is a great alternative to drinking the full-calorie version. As far as cutting down on daily caloric intake, cutting out full-calorie sodas from your diet can definitely help in weight loss. But switching [...]
Story of a Young Melanoma Survivor: Today’s Episode of “Holly on Health”
Today’s episode features an interview with Stephen Fox, a 25 year old medical student at Tulane University who has been battling melanoma since being diagnosed with stage 3 cancer in 2010. He shares with us his year-long journey to recovery. Also on the show is Dr. Alan Lewis, Director of Dermatologic Surgery at Tulane University. [...]
June is Men’s Health Month: Gen Y guys, do you know what you should be doing?
Testicular cancer is the number one cancer for young adult men between the ages of 15 and 34 and it is almost always curable if it is caught and treated early. In order to catch it early, you must do a self exam…yes, check out your manhood in the mirror (you know you already do, [...]
Gym, Tan, Laundry? How about just Gym and Laundry?
Wow. This video was powerful enough for me to want to change my lazy summer day routine from G.T.L. to simply G.L. (sorry Snookie!). I know. You love to have that beautiful summer “glow.” You really don’t want to hear another lecture about the danger of the sun and tanning beds. But seriously, please watch [...]