Disclaimer, Legal Statement, Terms of Use
First of all, I am a medical student, not a doctor. In case you are tempted to view that as only a technicality, let me elaborate. I do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or advice about which providers to use. I do believe in the power of social media to educate, inform, and improve lives. HollyonHealth.com (the Site) is meant to be a convenient resource to educate and inform you, but decisions about the best lifestyle choices and medical treatments for you should be made in consultation with your own doctor, based upon your own needs. My intention is to do no harm, so you now hereby agree that you shall not make any health or medical related decision based in whole or in part on anything contained in the Site.
If you have any concerns about your health, you should consult your doctor promptly. The information and content of the Site, whether it is text, audio, or video, is for informational purposes only. The information and content is not intended to provide or substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Nor should the information and content be interpreted as a recommendation for specific treatment plans, products, or providers.
I do strive to present current and accurate information and content from reputable sources, but I cannot guarantee it; content, sources, information, and links change over time. By the way, links are provided for your convenience only and does not mean that I endorse these other sites or any products and services they may advertise or provide. Never disregard or delay medical advice or care because of something you saw or read or heard on the Site. If you rely on any of the content provided by the Site, you do so solely at your own risk.
The Site is open to the public. Your use of the Site does not create a doctor-patient, confidential, or privileged relationship. Consider your comments and questions carefully and do not include anything that you would like to keep private. You are responsible for the content that you post. By submitting any comment, question, or feedback to the Site, you grant me the right to remove any content that I find, in my sole judgment, to be obscene, defamatory, threatening, fraudulent, or invasive of another person’s privacy rights. I will not be held responsible or liable for what commenters say in the comment section of the Site, nor will I be held responsible or liable for what guest writers may say or contribute to the Site. I also will not be held responsible for the translation or interpretation of content and information, and I hold myself harmless from prosecution for bad grammar and punctuation.
Entries to the Site are my personal opinions and selections, and are not intended to represent the viewpoints or official statements of any school or organization with which I may be affiliated.