Yoga can help take the stress out of the holiday season
The month of December can be emotionally intense. It’s packed full of excitement — holiday parties, shopping, completing another semester and traveling home for the holidays. December can also be extremely stressful for different reasons — looming final exams, shopping crowds and dealing with the influx of relatives. No matter how you deal with the [...]
Men’s Health Worth Discussing
You may have noticed a new fashion statement dawning on the faces of men in November. Love it or hate it, the moustache fad is definitely back. Some guys rock the ‘stache to express their personal style, while others are simply celebrating their new-found ability to grow this manly accessory on their upper lip. If [...]
Movember: Changing the Face of Men’s Health (literally)
Listen below and learn all about Movember from Holly on Health, on location at the NOLA Shavedown at the 12 Bar on Fulton Street, as heard on WTUL New Orleans, 91.5FM [Audio clip: view full post to listen] Upcoming NOLA Mo Events: Thurs, Mov 17th 5pm-7pm @ Loa Tues, Mov 29th 5pm-til @ Rusty Nail Parties [...]
Twitter Question: Are “whippits” safe?
I was asked yesterday via Twitter: “Noticed a lot of people doing whippits (nitrous) at Frenchmen Street Halloween last night. Is that safe?” To put into context for the non-New Orleanian readers, Frenchmen Street Halloween in New Orleans is huge. Think crazy and crowded Mardi Gras with a Halloween twist where both locals and tourists [...]
What My Optometrist Never Told Me
It is with slight embarrassment that I write this article because I’ve been a victim of my own ignorance and laziness regarding my own eye health. In fact, I’m writing it while sitting in my ophthalmologist’s office, waiting for the doctor to examine my corneal ulcer that is most likely caused by sleeping in my [...]
Another Recipe for the Harvest! Acorn Squash
I have a new obsession…squash. In all shapes and forms. Every fall I’ve admired the festive orange, yellow, and green vegetables decoratively placed in the grocery store but I’ve never known what to do with them. This fall I’m changing that and making some delicious and healthy squash recipes! This week I’ve tackled acorn squash. [...]
The Athlete Brain
Okay, so the above photo may not have anything directly to do with the story…but it’s football season and I love the Saints! WHO DAT!? Something most athletes have in common is drive (see, the above photo is more than a shameless Saints plug). This intense work ethic and drive to win is what generally [...]
It’s Harvest Time! Try Some Spaghetti Squash for Dinner
I have an issue: I love pasta. Large, heaping, Olive Garden-sized portions of pasta (yes, I’m talking that never ending pasta bowl). However, I rarely eat my Italian favorite because the large portions that I love are not so friendly on the waistline and can leave me feeling bloated and full. But I just discovered [...]
“That Michael Jackson Drug:” Propofol and the Conrad Murray Trial
More than two years have passed since Michael Jackson’s death shook the pop world. His eccentric behavior through the past decades has been fodder for late-night talk shows and tabloid magazines. His life after death has been no different, albeit with a much more devastating twist. Recently, Jackson’s personal physician, cardiologist Dr. Conrad Murray, began [...]
Make it a Permanent Reminder to a Temporary Feeling, Not a Permanent Health Problem
They are a “permanent reminder of a temporary feeling,” as Jimmy Buffett so eloquently sings. Tattoos have been around for thousands of years, representing everything from religious rituals to branding of criminals. Today in the United States, tattoos are thought of as a form of self-expression or even a type of fashion accessory. In fact, [...]