Do porn stars have the right idea?

Do porn stars have the right idea?

Prevent STDs like a Porn Star

Above is the link to a CNN article about the process that many porn stars go through to prevent their risk of STDs. Although they may not live the ideal lifestyle, their habits for STD prevention certainly are ideal!

There are no official recommendations from the CDC as to which STDs should be screened for before and after having sexual contact with a new partner. However, the article does list a few of the most common diseases that most doctors recommend for screening, including chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, hepatitis A and B, and HIV.

The only portion of the CNN article that I find misleading is when one porn star states that he is not too concerned about contracting HIV because he only has sex with women. However, CDC surveillance has found that 31% of new HIV infections in the United States are transmitted by heterosexual contact. This number has been continuously rising over the past decade, proving that HIV is a disease that both heterosexuals and homosexuals should be concerned about.


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